DARCARS Lexus of Silver Spring

May 2, 2022

When you live in Maryland, you know that roundabouts are just another part of driving, but that doesn’t mean they are the easiest thing to navigate. If you don’t understand their purpose or how to navigate through them well, they might always make you feel stressed, which could lead to distracted driving. Understanding a roundabout can make a huge difference in how you approach them, how you drive through them, and how safe you manage to stay while on the road.


They Were Designed to Make the Road Safer

Contrary to what you might think, a roundabout at an intersection is designed to keep everyone safe. It is an alternative to a traffic signal, but a safer one that can prevent long traffic lines and prevent accidents.

Roundabout Sign in Maryland

Studies have shown that a roundabout can help decrease accidents at intersections by 90 percent. Knowing that these were designed with your safety in mind can help you view them differently, and you might want to learn to navigate them well.


Large Vehicles Will Fit

Entering a roundabout may be intimidating if you drive a truck or a full-size SUV. However, you should know that your vehicle will fit, and the roundabout was designed with vehicles of your size in mind.


Since you are most likely up higher than most vehicles around you when you’re in a larger car, you’ll have the advantage of excellent visibility when entering, navigating, and exiting a roundabout so that you can feel confident and prepared while doing so.


You Shouldn’t Drive Next to a Large Vehicle

Since large vehicles need extra space to maneuver their size through this circular traffic feature, you shouldn’t drive next to them. Slow down for a few extra seconds to give them the space they need to enter and exit the circle safely so that all drivers, you included, can remain as safe as possible while in the roundabout.


Large vehicles or work trucks, especially those with attached trailers, will need the extra space, so give them some extra grace for a few minutes so that everyone can get on with their day as safely as possible.


There Will Be Pedestrians and Bicycles

When you are driving through a roundabout, you must keep an eye out for pedestrians and cyclists because they can use a roundabout too. The benefit of a roundabout is that it helps improve visibility so that you can see pedestrians and cyclists easier.


While pedestrians will not follow the same rules of the road as a vehicle, a cyclist must, so always be aware if you have a bike behind or in front of you while driving through this circle. It’s also important to note that the same rules of the road apply here, and you must always yield to pedestrians when they’re present.


If you are looking for a vehicle that will make your driving experience more exciting, even while navigating a roundabout, we have the perfect one for you. View our cars for sale in Silver Spring, MD, now! DARCARS Lexus of Silver Spring is your trusted dealership, and we guarantee to have a wide variety of models available, so you can test drive any on our lot today!