DARCARS Lexus of Silver Spring

Nov 22, 2022

Slow drivers in the fast lane can be one of the most frustrating driving experiences. However, unless you deal with the problem calmly and rationally, you could find that you’re not just dealing with an obstacle, but also with a sense of resentment and annoyance long after your journey has ended. Here are our tips for handling the situation with coolness and control in Silver Spring, MD.


Keep Calm

Whenever you find yourself in an aggravating position on the road, the most important rule is to keep your cool. Doing so is more likely to keep you and other road users safe, but it will also allow you to move on from the situation afterward knowing that you made the best decisions that you could. If you feel your temper rising, take a minute to relax your body and breathe deeply.

Black cars driving on a highway in Silver Spring, MD


It’s also worth checking your environment to stay serene. Turning the air conditioning up will help you to literally feel cooler, while switching the radio off should help make it less of a challenge to stay focused and conscious of your emotional state. It also helps to leave more time for your journey so that holdups are less likely to create a problem in your day.


Avoid Aggression

It’s actually unlawful to “impede the normal and reasonable movement of traffic” on Maryland roads, but remember that driving aggressively is also illegal. Besides, if the car ahead is slow because the driver is overwhelmed, unsure, or distracted, anything that makes them feel flustered will only make the problem worse.


You may need to make them aware of your presence, so indicating, flashing your lights briefly, or giving a gentle honk is fine. Avoid long loud blasts on the horn or dazzling them in the rearview mirror with your high beams. Tailgating or gesturing and mouthing words aggressively won’t help either. If they move over, a smile and a wave can diffuse the tension and should leave you feeling better, as well.


Stay Safe

Your top priority in any driving situation is to keep yourself and other road users safe. As tempting as it might be to get past a slow driver by any means, one of the worst possible outcomes to your journey is if you end up in an accident. Make sure that you overtake in a suitable space, watching for hazards, indicating clearly, and leaving plenty of space.


Following these guidelines may not speed the other driver up, but they will help empower you to handle the situation in the best way. It also helps to have a comfortable, reliable car, so visit us at DARCARS Lexus of Silver Spring for a fantastic selection of luxury vehicles that should help take the stress out of driving. Did you find this blog helpful? Read more of our tips & tricks now!



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