DARCARS Lexus of Silver Spring

Sep 30, 2022

Getting your license is a big achievement for student drivers in Silver Spring, MD. Owning a car and being legally able to drive provides you with a new level of freedom and opens the door to a world of new experiences. However, there is also a great responsibility that comes with the privilege of driving. Here are some tips for you to apply behind the wheel.


Know and Obey All Traffic Rules

Whether it’s a road sign or yielding the right-of-way, as a driver, it’s your duty to know and obey all traffic rules. But this goes beyond following speed limits or stop signs – it also requires you to know the practical rules when your vehicle is in motion. This includes keeping enough space between you and other vehicles on the road, wearing your seatbelt, checking blind spots, and more. Make an effort to learn them all, and you’ll be better off for it.

Student driver in Silver Spring, MD


Take Care of Your Vehicle

It’s important to stay up-to-date on your vehicle’s maintenance for a few important reasons. First, the last thing you want is to go shopping for a new car every few years. Vehicles today are built to last, but it takes two to tango. Routine oil changes and fluid top-ups help prolong the life of your car, and getting this routine maintenance helps to keep you safer on the road. Parts such as tires and brakes should always be road-ready.


Adjust Accessories Before Driving

Spoiler alert: When we say “accessories,” we don’t mean fashion. We’re referring to in-car settings such as mirrors and seat positioning. Ensuring that these are in an optimal position provides you with a better view of the road in front of you, around you, and behind you. Ultimately, this makes you a safer driver for your passengers and others. Also, make sure you take care of this before you drive off and never during the ride.


Respect Weather Conditions

A vehicle will perform differently in snow than it will on a bright, warm, sunny day. That said, it’s important that, as a new driver, you understand that different weather conditions call for different driving. That’s not to say that you should speed down side streets on a beautiful Saturday afternoon. You should always drive responsibly regardless of the weather, but on rainy or snowy days, ensure you’re braking well ahead of time and that you’re mindful of slippery road conditions.


Wear Your Seatbelt

This should be a no-brainer for most, but know that seatbelt tickets are still a thing in 2022. Apart from the financial burden and the potential to lose your license, not wearing a seatbelt also comes with the added risk of potentially losing your life. Always make sure you and any passengers riding with you fasten their seatbelts upon entering the vehicle. There is no excuse for not doing so.


Stay safe on the road with these tips, and enjoy the freedom driving delivers. Once you’ve got the rules of the road down pat, we’ll help you find the perfect vehicle to drive off in. Visit DARCARS Lexus of Silver Spring today or check out our used specials online now! Looking for more tips to help you when you own a car or have your license? Click here to visit our DARCARS blog today!