DARCARS Lexus of Silver Spring

May 12, 2023

So, the chilly winter in Silver Spring, MD is behind us, and spring is here. As the beautiful blue skies and warmer weather of spring arrive, it’s best to take a moment to check the health of your car. Following months of icy weather and salty roads, there are a few important Lexus maintenance steps to take to ensure your car is in tip-top shape. 

Lexus oil change service Silver Spring, MD

5 Lexus Maintenance Tips for Spring in Silver Spring, MD

Change Back to Regular Tires

Winter tires use pliant hydrophilic rubber and special widely spaced treads that are perfect for maintaining traction on slippery winter roads. But winter tires are dangerous to use on roads in warmer weather, as they have less traction on warm surfaces, and they might overheat and blow out. 

The first thing to do when the weather warms up is to switch back to regular tires. Also, check the pressure of your regular tires and ensure that the treads are of suitable depth: over 2/32 of an inch is a bare minimum in warmer spring weather. 

Check Your Oil and Fluids 

Cold weather can take a toll on motor oil, so when spring comes, it is a good time to check your oil and possibly have it changed. You may also need to have the oil filter swapped out.

Likewise, check all your vehicle’s fluids, including the coolant, transmission fluid, brake fluid, power steering fluid, and windshield washer fluid. If any of them are aging, burnt, or low, have them flushed or topped up without delay. 

Check Your Battery

The chemical and electrical components inside car batteries can also become worn down by the cold of winter. Spring is a good time to examine your battery and check that it’s still working well. Batteries usually last for three to six years, and spring is often the time when a driver finds he needs to buy a new one. 

Inspect Your Wiper Blades

Windshield wipers need to contend with ice on the glass during winter, which tends to wear them down. In spring, you might find that your wipers need replacing, in which case it might be worth a trip to your local Lexus dealership.

Rainfall in Silver Spring, MD During Spring

Silver Spring sees a good amount of rain during spring. The wettest month is typically May. All drivers should be ready to handle the wet weather with windshield wipers in top-notch condition.

Inspect Your Belts and Hoses

The rubber in the various belts and hoses throughout your car can become brittle and damaged by freezing temperatures during winter. It’s therefore important to check all of these flexible rubber components during spring. Make sure none of them have developed cracks or other signs of structural damage. 

Come in for Your Car Spring Maintenance in Silver Spring, MD

Have your vehicle serviced and prepared for spring and summer today at DARCARS Lexus of Silver Spring. We’re the region’s go-to dealership for all things Lexus.